Your Book, Your Way: Self-Publishing Assistance
About this site:
Over a lengthy period of time I’ve created a wealth of content that will interest fiction writers, self-publishing authors and others seeking to market their books or learning how to run their book business.
Much of this content has been spread over the internet and I designed this new website to provide a single (and unique) place where writers and authors can access this material.
Besides the usual books (both fiction and nonfiction), articles, classes and other material already developed, I’ve been using whiteboards as a vehicle to map ideas and content in a graphical format. These whiteboards allow me to bundle my content into an easy-to-follow and easy-to-access format.
Creating more whiteboards is my current job and I have a half-dozen more planned.
Hank Quense writes satirical fantasy and sci-fi. Early in his writing career, he was strongly influenced by two authors: Douglas Adams and his Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and Joseph Heller’s Catch-22. Happily, Hank has never quite recovered from those experiences.
His fiction stories include over 45 published short stories and a number of humorous fantasy novels.
With nonfiction, his books address fiction writing (Creating Stories), self-publishing (How to Self-publish and Market a Book, Self-publish a Book in 10 Steps), marketing (Book Marketing Fundamentals) and author business (Business Basics for Authors).
He also lectures on these subjects in schools, libraries and on webinars.
Hank has a degree in mechanical engineering and is intrigued by creativity.
He has two daughters, five grandkids and a rescue dog named Otter.
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