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Fiction writing

I've been writing stories since the last century.  I've written short stories and novels. and I've written books on fiction writing.  I also give workshops on that topic.  Below are resources you can use to get your fiction writing career started.





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How to create a story

Do you have a story in you? Do you know how to write it or how to tell it? How to Create A Story has the answers..

The course concentrates on developing characters including such rarely discussed requirements such as a dominant reader emotion, the character's biography and the crucially important emotional arc.

Plots are also covered in depth including techniques to help create them. Another topic discusses subplots and how to utilize them and how to nest them within the main plot.

Go here to enroll in this video course

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Infographic Guide To Creating Stories

This book is a light-weight graphic version of my Creating Stories book.  It's ideal for beginners who need a way to understand how to get started with creating a story.

You can get a copy at Amazon.

Fiction Workshop

 There are three separate Padlets (whiteboards) in this workshop.  It provides a complete workshop with assignments that will get your story on its way to completion. It consists of text, audio and video. It's free, but to access links, you must be a member.  You can register here: Members

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Mind-mapping a novel

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The first draft of a novel needs consistency and continuity. That isn't easy to achieve. Mind-mapping offers a way to gain both of those qualities.

  • What if you knew how to create mind-maps to ensure that consistency? And that continuity?

  • What if you had a way to make sure your characters didn’t inadvertently change in the middle of the story?

  • Imagine have a visual diagram to keep your plot on track.

  • What if you could have the synopsis of the novel displayed on a single graphic?  It could be used as a roadmap to control your first draft.

You can enroll in this video course at Udemy

Plots + Scenes = Emtional Arc

All stories need an emotional arc, but such an arc is difficult to develop.

An emotional arc is the result of using plot events to trigger emotional releases in the characters. By linking these releases, the author produces a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs that keeps the readers turning the pages.

Enroll in this video class at Udemy.

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Character design template

Character design is a crucial element in the creation of a story, but it isn't easy to do.  This template will organize your design process and give a place to record the design information. Members can download a copy of this template for their use.

Reserved for future addition

I wonder what this one will be.

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