Your Book, Your Way: Self-Publishing Assistance
Here you'll find the self-publishing help you need.
My first two books were published by an Indie publishing house. I found that experienced so distasteful I went to self-publishing. Since then, I self-published more than 20 books, both fiction and nonfiction. I also lecture on self-publishing and have written books on the subject.
10 step plan task list
This spreadsheet shows all the tasks listed in my Self-publish a book in 10 steps. Even without the book, the spreadsheet is a valuable resource for anyone interested in self-publishing a book. This is especially true if the project is a first self-publishing one.
The spreadsheet can be downloaded by members.
Self-publish a Book in 10 Steps: And Market It
Self-publishing a book is difficult. This book simplifies it by breaking down a self-publishing and marketing project into 10 steps.
This step-by-step process will get your book published and initiate the pre-launch marketing.
The book details such vital tasks as developing a compelling book description, building an author platform and getting book reviews to list a few.
Learn the ten step process that will self-publish and market your book!
Buy a copy at Amazon
There is a light weight version of this book (a Padlet) that can be accessed in the members area.
How to self-publish and market a book
Self-publishing a book is a complex project made more complex by all the mis-information on the web. Marketing the book is yet another problem area that the author must solve.
Imagine having an experienced, self-published author direct your every step for both the publishing and marketing components of the project
Many self-publishing authors don’t consider marketing until after the book is published. This approach is wrong. Publishing and marketing are two parts of a single project. This course provides the student with an integrated project plan that will both publish the book and marketing it.
You can enroll in this video course at Udemy.
Why are you unpublished?
Fear is the probable culprit. There are a number of different form of fear, but they are probably related to your creativity. Learn more with this whiteboard.To access the link to this whiteboards you must be a member.
Packagers and publishers
If you self-publish a book, you need a packager. If you have a publisher, you don't need a packager. So what's the difference? Find out in this video.
An Overview: Self-publish a book in 10 steps
Self-publishing a book is difficult. This webpage is a light weight version of the book and will describe the ten steps in some depth. I wrote this book to simplify the process by breaking it down into 10 steps.
This step-by-step process will get your book
published and initiate the pre-launch marketing.
The book details such vital tasks as developing a
compelling book description, building an author
platform and getting book reviews.
This webpage is a light weight version of the book and will describe the ten steps in some depth.
You must be member to access this content.